The Shay locomotive was the most widely used geared steam locomotive. The locomotives were built to the patents of Ephraim Shay, who has been credited with the popularization of the concept of a geared steam locomotive. Although the design of Ephraim Shay's early locomotives differed from later ones, there is a clear line of development that joins all Shays.
Approximately 2770 Shay locomotives were built by Lima in four classes, from 6 to 160 tons between 1878 and 1945.
1. 全球已知現存共115台SHAY型蒸汽機車, 115 Known Surviving Shays
2. SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Shay Steam Locomotives
3. A型 18噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class A 18-2 Shay Steam Locomotive
4. B型 28噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class B 28-2 Shay Steam Locomotive
5. C型 70噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class C 70-3 Shay Steam Locomotives
依據汽缸跟齒輪轉向架多寡而分成Class A、Class B、Class C及Class D等四大形式。
車輛外觀 | 形式 (Class) | 汽缸數 (number of Cylinder) | 齒輪轉向架數 (number of truck) | 重量 (Weight) |
2 | 2 | 6~24噸 | ||
3 | 2 | 10~80噸 | ||
3 | 3 | 40~160噸 | ||
n/a | Class D | 3 | 4 | 100~150噸 |
Class A 車身結構圖(from Shay locomotive Drawing)

Class B車身結構圖(from Shay locomotive Drawing)

Class C車身結構圖(from Shay locomotive Drawing)

A型 18噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class A 18-2 Shay Steam Locomotive
B型 28噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class B 28-2 Shay Steam Locomotive
C型 60噸SHAY型蒸汽機車 / Class C Shay Steam Locomotives